Polygon deformation combined with automated feature set extraction are the two key areas of this algorithm.
Drawing inspiration from
Tyler Hobb's writing on generative water colour, this algorithm
employs layered polygons with randomised edge sub-division to create a soft textured render.
The choice of the polygon positions comes from automated feature extraction using SURF, the sizes come from a voronoi graph, colours
are pulled from the underlying image at the voronoi region centroid.
Two passes happen: the first will draw 50 low-alpha polys with larger probability of more chaotic edge sub-division. The pass creates
a smoothly filled background (since most features will be localised to corners and edges). These polys are drawn and filled 10x larger
than the region size.
The second pass draws the same polys with an outline, the outline alpha is inversely proportional to the size of the poly (so smaller
polys have harder outlines). The edge sub-division is lower and less evident.
This is the first in a longer series exploring this algorithm.