A natural extension of the Bitscape project was to explore more methods of re-presenting image data, additional
re-presentations of the pixels and colours.
Initially image segmentation proved tempting as a way to start extracting shape and possibly even semantic
data from images, however before long it proved too complex and time consuming a task to execute robustly on the wide range
of source material.
Since features were already a part of the data set it was a small jump to consider using them within a graph, specifically
Voronoi graph.
With a computed Voronoi graph based on extracted features this algorithm traverses the planes one at a time, filling each plane
with a colour based on the average of 5 samples within that region.
No additional tooling was built for this algorithm, it was worked into the Javascript/Node/PHP application and provided
a suitable launch pad for much future work using the Voronoi graph.