Toby Skinner Generative Art Cortex #1
'Cortex #1' by Toby Skinner

Cortex #1

Continuing the work from the Branching series (#1, #2 & #3), Cortex takes inspiration from depictions of articial intellince in classic sci-fi.

A high-resolution canvas, up to 100 initial strands, a branch depth of 3 and higher branching factor than used in the Branching series creates a dense mesh of neural fibre.


Detail (1:1)


14043 x 9933 (~A0 Landscape but recommend A1 or 16" x 12")


Can this exact image be re-produced? No, as the tree grows and branches, random numbers are used to determine direction and length. An image in a similar style could be produced however.

Are there any other images on this website that were generated by this algorithm?

Is this a limited edition print? No

How can I buy a print? Please get in touch with your requirements.